
Pokemon Go Current Eevee Evolutions

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions and how to get all the Eevee-lutions

Pokemon go evvee
(Paradigm credit: Niantic)

In that location are eight Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go, with a diverseness of tricks to getting the one you want. Depending on the names you lot requite them, when you evolve them, and how friendly y'all are, the uncomplicated Eevee can evolve into a range of variations. It makes Eevee i of the most interesting creatures in the game and a simple mode to vary your roster's types. Eevee's evolutions, or Eeveelutions, are plentiful and offering a range of types across Water, Electrical, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice and Fairy in Pokemon Get.

We'll explain how to trigger all the dissimilar ways you can evolve Eevee into its evolutions in this article. As well every bit selection apart which one might be the strongest. According to numbers at least.

Pokemon Go Eevee evolution nicknames

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions

(Prototype credit: Niantic)

The easiest way to evolve Eevee in Pokemon Get is to utilize a specific nickname. Trainers can guarantee any of Eevee'due south evolutions one time, each using a specific nickname. Simply nicknaming your Eevee one of the special names below will grant you lot the Eeveelution of your pick - employ 25 Eevee candy and your Eevee volition evolve to the evolution with the corresponding nickname.

Eevee Evolution nicknames

  • Vaporeon: Rainer
  • Jolteon: Sparky
  • Flareon: Pyro
  • Espeon: Sakura
  • Umbreon: Tamao
  • Leafeon: Linnea
  • Glaceon: Rea
  • Sylveon: Kira

You can only do this one time per evolution retrieve, so choose carefully. Afterward that you're down to luck, certain conditions, and peradventure special event to have whatsoever command over what you get.

The Strongest Eevee Evolution in Pokemon Go

Espeon and Umbreon are considered the strongest Eevee evolutions overall from stats alone. The psychic type Espeon has almost the highest possible CP, browbeaten but by Sylveon, and the highest possible attack overall. Umbreon, a dark blazon, wins on second highest defense and the best Stamina. Just behind those two the already mentioned Sylveon, and Glaceon, also place decent stats overall without having anything that's course leading.

How to get Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions - Jolteon

(Image credit: Niantic)

Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon are the kickoff Eeveelutions in Pokemon Go - the classics. These are relatively easy to obtain but feeding your Eevee 25 candy after using one of the nicknames we mentioned in a higher place: Vaporeon/Rainer, Jolteon/Sparky, Flareon/Pyro. Once that's washed however, the evolutions become random and there's no style to tell what Eevee volition evolve into. That said, as information technology costs so little to trigger an evolution and Eevees are easy to find y'all can just grind to get what y'all desire again.

How to go Espeon and Umbreon in Pokemon Get

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions - Umbreon

(Image credit: Niantic)

Espeon and Umbreon add together some Gen 2 Eeveelutions and can exist obtained by merely having Eevee every bit your buddy and walking with information technology for 10km. Once that's done evolve your Eevee during the twenty-four hours for Espeon, and at night for Umbreon. Just always check the color of the heaven in-game to make sure what time of day Pokemon Go thinks it is, just in case information technology doesn't match up with the real earth.

How to get Leafeon and Glaceon in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions - Glaceon

(Image credit: Niantic)

Leafeon and Glaceon are a little more complicated to get equally you'll need two in-game items when you evolve your Eevee at a Pokestop. Using a Mossy Lure volition requite you a Leafeon, while a Glacial Lure will give you Glaceon. These tin can exist purchased from the in-game store, and work like normal lures except they attract Pokemon of specific types.

How to get Sylveon in Pokemon Become

Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions - Sylveon

(Prototype credit: Niantic)

Sylveon has the nigh lengthy method for obtaining information technology but it's worth information technology. We accept a full Pokemon Become Sylveon guide for in-depth details, but getting Sylveon involves making friends with information technology - make Eevee your buddy and earn 70 hearts with it. This will have a while, but equally long as trainers can maximize the amount of hearts earned each day you tin speed things upwardly. When the silhouette in the evolution expanse of Eevee'due south in-game information screen shows Sylveon yous've got enough hearts.

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I'm currently a GamesRadar guide contributor with a specialty in everything Pokemon Go. If you've wanted to know the all-time fashion to take down a Rayquaza, at that place's a good chance you read ane of my guides. I previously have written for IBT Media, Newsweek and Screen Rant. I'thousand a huge fighting game fan and everything Pokemon, but I've grown to dearest RPGs.

With contributions from

  • Leon Hurley Senior Guides Co-ordinator

Pokemon Go Current Eevee Evolutions,


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